Stainless steel precision tubes for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics

Los tubos de acero inoxidable para rellenar medicamentos y productos cosméticos son decisivos a la hora de proporcionar artículos de alta calidad

Stainless steel precision tubes for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics

Stainless steel tubes for filling medicines and cosmetics are decisive in providing high quality items. Combined firstly by the urgent need that the materials which the content passes through, that lately will be commercialised, do not suffer any alteration and, secondly, that wholesalers and laboratories of all sizes have available an express delivery service of these tubes cut-to-length to operate their machines.
In this sense, cosmetic and pharmaceutical centers have at their disposal the tubes AISI 316 and 304 to fill in their packaging with the guarantee of highest quality and with a cutting tolerance of +/- 2 mm. These tubes are manufactured with materials used by the most sophisticated laboratories, making it impossible to alter the composition of the content passing through them and, therefore, achieving to reach the final consumer products in perfect condition.

It is important to have stock available for cosmetic centres and pharmaceutical companies to replace or acquire new stainless steel tubes of between 0.4 and 0.9 mm for installation in filling machines. Receiving urgently stainless steel tubes can lead to non-stop manufacturing process and thereby safeguard the production line with subsequent avoidance of financial losses.

Properties of AISI 316

Steels are classified into different categories depending on the alloys incorporated, its technical characteristics and values ??that support. AISI 316 is included in the category of austenitic steels, being parts that require a high resistance to pitting corrosion.
Stainless steels AISI 316 are perfect to withstand up to 300 °C of temperature on continuous operation and have very good tolerance toeven higher temperatures but intermittent. Furthermore, the addition of molybdenum makes them resistant to the corrosive acids that cause oxidation of the material (sulfuric and sulphurous acids, colored baths, etc.).

The key to the success of a good tube grade AISI 316 with molybdenum lies in the turning: speed, feed and depth of cutting, applying different values ??depending on whether the process is developed with hard metal or high speed steel. In this case, it is essential to ask for references on the supplier and ensuring that the quality of the cutting is done with adequate guarantees of tolerance to work properly on the machine where it fits.

Put the hands of expert suppliers with high quality assurance is essential to achieve the full satisfaction of the laboratories of cosmetics, pharmaceutical and chemical industry (those most demanding of tubes AISI 316) and therefore, to commercialise unaltered cosmetics and medicinal products that may cause harm to the consumer.